
the lago home office

flexible lago design to experience the domestic space in a whole new way

The first lago Home Office collection has been created to meet the needs of working and studying from home. It offers a range of flexible solutions which can be transformed to adapt to any room in the house.

The new collection contains customizable design ideas to bring your home office space to life, or to help you recreate a functional, space-saving workstation you can set up anywhere from the living room or kitchen to the hallway or your bedroom.

product overview

Innovative and flexible solutions, which allow to optimize the domestic spaces.

product overview

The glass and wood combination creates a light and welcoming environment, to encourage fruitful work and study.

36e8 wildwood storage

daniele lago

air shelf

daniele lago

product overview

Every resulting space can become a workspace, study or play area for adults and young people.

lagolinea shelf

daniele lago

36e8 desk

daniele lago